Thursday, February 28, 2008

Pondering Homelessness...

As some fellow church members have been really getting involved in local homeless ministries, I have really been considering this huge need. I have been so convicted about how critical I can be when I see a homeless person. I dare to think, "Is he really homeless? Is he just faking it?" or worse, I may see someone and be really burdened and not do anything. So often, I do not even pray.

There are over 10,000 homeless people in Louisville each year. You can read about it here. I hope to share some more things we are learning about ways to get involved. For now, I long for grace to start opening my eyes and heart to see and love them.

The Gospel is for so many more people than just middle-class "safe and white" Americans.


Anonymous said...

hey! some thoughts!

You are right! White middle class ppl contexualize the gospel, for us its for us. We see it as for us, and hard to relate to others. Jesus wasnt white class, middle. He walked from town to town and was a son of a carpenter, who, in that day, was poor. Some speculuate Joseph even died when Jesus was young.

We see it as middle class because taht is how we learned it, on the flannel board...or whatever else:) If we look at the Gospel, bible for what it is, raw, pure, its anything but....its crazy.

I LOVE your post by the way, thank you for it:-)


Anonymous said...

To be honest, Jamie, I have been waiting for you to post a blog entry on this kind of topic. Too many times Christians are stuck just fellowship with each other and staying in their circle. I have the blessing of being paid to work with the homeless, the criminal, etc. but I will say these people need us more than ever not just for charity and material support but just to be listened to and aknowledgedfor simply being alive and as children of God and this earth.

Anyway, that's all I have to say and it's obviously something I am passionate about and feel it is the cause of my life.


Jamie Butts said...

Thanks April and Betsy for commenting.

I miss you girl. You always have had a big heart for people! Christians, as well as their little blogs, will let you down, but remember to look to Christ who is our example. Thanks for your encouragement in this kind of ministry. Dustin has gone up to the shelter and will go again this week and it is truly encouraging to see God growing a passion in him for this kind of ministry of taking the Gospel as well as meeting the physical needs of the poor and homeless... loving them! May He continue to use you in your job and city!!