Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Christmas in June

Good grief. So, we decide to move in the middle of the semester. We unload the important stuff and let anything that could wait until summer, wait. So, today, I'm hitting up my project list and going through some boxes.

So far, and this is about 5 minutes in, I've found:
1. $30 gift card to Bed, Bath, and Beyond
2. $60 gift card to Walmart
3. My new Jamie Catherine Butts social security card that I had "lost" and just recently finally went through the mess of getting a new one.

Score, right? But... I'm a big dork. Annoyed at myself, but excited for the cards, which I distinctly remember writing thank-yous for already... I think. But in case I forgot and in case YOU gave them to us, thanks.

And don't lose your SS card. Ever. No fun. I have needed it about 3 times since "losing" it. Hmm... back to it.


sarahdodson said...

How fun, Jamie! We should all have such problems:)

Kari Plevan said...

That is so fun! Hey if you ever need a B, B, & Beyond shopping buddy :) I LOVE THAT PLACE!!!

I love when stuff like that happens. Like finding a five dollar bill in your jeans pocket after you washed them and wore them again. Ya know?


Laura said...

i was going to write "how fun" but that seems to be the phrase. =)

when i was little, i used to hide stuff in old dress-up purses or pockets of things in hopes that i'd forget about it and be so happy when i found it again. =)

Chris & Sarah Peek said...

Hehe, you're "losing" things woes (and delights!) are exactly what Chris & I are trying to avoid. You might laugh if/when you see my packing organization lists. Yes, lists, not just one. But I'm sure that despite all of my carefully laid plans, we'll end up losing something incredibly important! Sarah