Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quick Encouragement

What a crazy time of year! Can anyone relate? Last night, Dustin and I had a full plate as it was and then we were shocked and really sad to realize that we FORGOT about home group. There are so many things on every one's plates right now. Whew. And this is, as I always say, withOUT kids. It's not like it will ever slow down. :) There are, however, things to be learned about saying no, efficiency at work and time management.
However, if you feel like you are in survival mode right now, I hope you find these random thoughts of mine to be pertinent.
In the midst of it all, I'm trying to keep 3 things in mind...

1. Dustin said his mom always did a great job of teaching him to do the hard things first. I have a love/hate relationship with this advice. My flesh hates it. But I know it's true. I see the effects of it when I do it! Tackle the thing that seems hardest and that you least want to do. Easier said than done, I know...
Well, go here for a great Girl Talk post on this very thing. They are starting to have something for every topic, huh? Everyone loves them and rightfully so. :)
2. Only God gets his to-do list done perfectly. This must humble us and we must realize that we can't do it all and humbly depend upon Him in all things.
3. That old saying... "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." The main thing in my life is Jesus Christ. It must be. It is. It will be. If I get thrown off by piles of work, whiny kids or never-ending laundry and nightly events, and lose sight of the main thing, what have I gained? Nothing. Lord, help me...
Also, our latest... ahem... bathroom reading material is Mahaney's Humility. In it, he gives a list of things to consider as you strive to cultivate humility. The morning and evening list is great. I'll try to type them out soon...


Erin said...

Man, oh, man. Good words, sweet Jamie. Needed that this afternoon as I look sadly at my laundry piles. It's true-looking sadly at them won't make them go away. I'm off to do them right now.

Chris & Sarah Peek said...

Jamie, tell your husband's wonderful mother thanks for these wise words! 'Tis the end of the year push for us and heaps to do before it all winds down. We'll see you so soon!

Shaunna said...

Never heard that saying before..."Keep the main thing the main thing" So true! Thanks for sharing!!

sarahdodson said...

Good encouragement here, Jamie!

"but seek ye first the kingdom of God..."


ps. Good job on your 2 miles!!!! I'm terribly proud of you:)