Friday, November 07, 2008

Husby and Wiffey

This is an old picture, from August. But I like it! I guess because it's kind of quirky, like us. And I'm smitten by Dustin's sweet smile that captures his personality so well! And because I don't think we've taken many pictures this year. Not sure we have any of just us from the last few months. Sad, huh? Dustin is such a terrific husband. I am so thankful for him. (Thanks, Blake, for the picture I found on your Flikr!)


Heather said...

I told Chad about your dream and he replied "I think you two would be great friends. You would complement each other well." Maybe one day we will be close enough to develop a more in depth friendship. Have a great week.

Jamie Butts said...

I think we'd be great friends too, Heather. I've enjoyed staying in touch somewhat through blogland. I wrote you a quick e-mail today. Hopefully it's the right address!

Cara Arnold said...

Cute! Gotta love it! Thanks for being my married life mentor and friend! Love you girl!!