Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Chapel Day

Well, yesterday was chapel day.
For our Southern students, it was a glorious time of wonderful music, solid preaching, and good fellowship. Mohler did the convocation message and it was an introduction to many great chapels this semester. Kari said it was great and Dustin is excited about Mohler teaching through the 10 commandments when he preaches!

Meanwhile, here at Christian Academy,
Hmm. How can I say this nicely?
Let's just say that the chapel services here could use some help.
Do you remember the CARTOON SONG? I always hated it. And now, I have joined ranks with a school that will trumpet this horrid song most every Tuesday. It is part of "praise and worship" here and they play clips of each cartoon on the overhead. If you're not familiar with the song, good for you! Maybe some of you feel my pain. It's just a weird song. Yes, it's fun for the kids, but it's pointless, AND they get all riled up! Good way to get them calmed down for the message. Message? Actually, they don't crack a Bible and had their newest 5th grade teacher come up on stage for a demonstration that involved whipped cream. Need I say more?

Oh well. At least it's only 30 minutes a week!


Anonymous said...


I am so sorry that you are subjected to it and other foolishness as well, especially in the name of "christianity".

Hang in there. May the Lord be glorified in your life and convictions while you are there.

Love you and praying for you and the Mr.


Chad Gerlt said...
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Chad Gerlt said...

Poor Daniel Orr played that terrible song 5 times a week for 10 weeks at Camp Buckner one summer. The Christian station in Abilene used to even play that song - on the radio!!!

But chapel, oh chapel. Definition of chapel: to infuriate, bore or take a nap in a group setting with religion as an overarching theme.

Glad to see the good times are rolling for you two Jamie.

Kari Plevan said...


Let's be honest, it's not that fun kids' songs are wrong. But, to define it as you said as "praise & worship" and to get kids all excited, raising hands, and loving the beat just as much for that song as they would for a GOOD DOCTRINALLY SOUND song is sad...and confusing for them!

Yeah, but, press on. Those kids will have the best teacher ever, and they will always remember when they had Mrs. Butts!

sarahdodson said...

Jamie, I feel your pain with that song. It just seems so non reverant.

"Exalt ye the Lord our God, and worship at his footstool; for he is holy."
-Psalm 99:5

Shaunna said...

Thanks so much for the sweet comment! Blake & are doing well!! And yes, Hoss will grow up to be pretty huge:) Hope married life is treating you well!! Take care and keep in touch!!