Friday, February 27, 2009

Reach Out.

We love our church. It's been a huge blessing to our first nearing-3 years of marriage to be at such a Gospel-centered and Gospel-in-action church. They help me understand why people call it your church family, and when we leave Louisville, it will be extremely hard to say good-bye, but we're SO thankful for the time we have had covenanting and worshipping at Third. And all we have learned!

Recently, our wonderful pastor gave us some suggestions for member care since we're growing, and it's always easy for people to fall through the cracks at any church. There were also several suggestions about outreach, but I wanted to bring up a few of these "inward"-focused ones, because they are important, too. We have a responsibility to love and care for each other as members. We have a responsibility to pray for each other and hold each other accountable. I have copied some of the suggestions below with the hopes you could apply them at your own church and as a reminder to myself:


After service, instead of first talking to those you know, make it a point to meet and greet one visitor and one other member you don’t know….
When a major event happens in the life of a member, good or bad…like the birth of a child or the loss of a family member…even if you don’t know them very well…make it a point to send them an email or a card, letting them know you’re praying for them….
Strategically consider ways you can serve another member who is at a different stage of life….
- Single and in college – how can you serve a couple with 2 children…and one on the way?
- Married with or without children – how can you pour into a college student?
- Long-time married couple, how can you invest in a younger or newly married couple?, ETC…

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