Thursday, February 22, 2007

Church Statement and Covenant

Just a quick UPDATE on an old post of mine that caused quite a stir in the comment section. Well, I'm not looking to do that again, but I did want to follow through with that post. Our church will be voting on a new Statement of Faith next month. The Proposed Statement of Faith I referred to can be found here and I'm looking forward to it. I think it's helpful to covenant together as a church affirming to this statement of faith. We'll be voting on it next month. I don't know if anyone is really that interested except friends from church and Mindy... I think you had asked about this. So, this if for you, Min. And Pastor Way, I think you requested this as well.

And since we're on the topic, I have really been blessed by our church covenant as well. This can be found
here. We quote it fairly often together (before members' meetings and such), and it's on the Butts' family frig. It's a constant reminder to me that we're called to do more than just go and sit on a pew. As members of this local church, we have a responsibility before God and to each other as laid out in Scripture. With the Lord's help, I long to take it as seriously as I do my marriage covenant.

As the website states,
A “covenant” is simply an agreement and this covenant is how we agree to live together as members of a local church. In other words, we “agree” to take responsibility for each other’s spiritual health and well-being.

Here are the first few paragraphs:

As we trust we have been brought by divine grace to embrace the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the influence of His Spirit to give ourselves up to Him, so we do most solemnly covenant with each other, that God enabling us: (John 1:11-12; Matt. 28:19-20)
We will walk together in brotherly love (John 13:34-35);
That we will exercise a Christian care and watchfulness over each other, and faithfully warn, rebuke, and admonish one another as the case shall require (2Tim 2:15; 1Cor. 5:1-2; Heb. 3:12-14);
(read more)


Phillip M. Way said...

Thanks for posting! I look forward to taking the time to read through the statements.

It is funny, because until just about 2 generations ago a church would never have gone without a confession and a covenant for the members to agree upon and live out. It is good to see another church willing to state their faith and covenant together in service to their King, the congregation, and the community!


mindy said...

Thanks, Jamie! I would like to talk to you more about it sometime.

mindy said...

Thanks, Jamie! I would like to talk to you about it sometime.