Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Some pictures...

1. After years of LOATHING chopping onions (my eyes would KILL me... I wonder if allergies make the process even worse), I finally found a way to chop them up without any eye pain. It even works better than my old (equally dorky) strategy of putting my head in the freezer. Don't worry. I close my blinds first.
2. Big Boy Nate is 2 months old today, and he looks way too grown up in this picture. We could not keep our hands off of him when we saw him in this sweater vest from Aunt Mel. It's so fun! Month 2 was way easier than Month 1, but it's all been fun. We're literally shocked at how much he changes each week!
3. The smiles are flowing freely now! (And finally, he smiles in response to us and quite often. It's not just gas anymore, although that still makes him smile too!)
4. Nate's cousins Ethan and Henry were absolutely precious with him. They were so gentle and sweet. Ethan (in the picture) and Nate locked eyes on each other like this for about 3 minutes straight! We miss those boys!! It was so good to see and play with them. I love being an aunt and we pray for them each night when we pray for Nate. They will be awesome big cousins!

5. Finally, one of my favorites from the month... a candid picture of Dustin and Nate. We were at my parents, and one morning Dustin took Nate so I could keep sleeping. I heard Dustin reading from the Bible to Nate and snuck out to snap a picture. It was so sweet. Later, Dustin had a funny story from it too! He had been reading from the OT and it talked of the plague of killing the firstborn son. He said that Nate started crying at that part. Seriously. :) Poor guy. It was a tramatic story for him, but he loved cuddling up with Daddy!


sarahdodson said...

Good job with the solution to cutting onions. Mine is to chop FAST. Seems to work.

Your boy is SO CUTE!!! He looks much like both you and your husband- what a nice mix :o)

And I can definitely see why you like the last picture. Those are the best! Super sweet.

Shaunna said...

How cute is Nate??!! So precious, Jamie!!

Heather said...

Love the googles! How funny! Nate is growing so fast. definitely see you in his adorable face!

thehes said...

Hey Jamie...great pictures! I am SO HAPPY to hear that month 2 was easier. Yeah!! Sounds like you have a good pediatrician to diagnose a problem so fast--I know several people who were still struggling in the dark at 4 months. Nate is SUCH a good looking kid...those dark eyes are gonna be "trouble" when he gets older. Heehee. AND...if you want a less dorky way of cutting onions, try lighting a candle (like a votive; doesn't have to be scented) in the vicinity of the cutting board. Works like a charm. =)